
This package contains all common interfaces used throughout the entire SDK.

There are many interfaces exported from the types package. We'll present a few examples of the more commonly used interfaces, but take a look at the entire API here.


Install the package in your project directory with:

npm install @augustdigital/types

You can import individual methods and constants from the utilities package with the following:

import { <METHOD> } from '@augustdigital/types';

or the CommonJS way:

const augustTypes from '@augustdigital/types';

Commonly Used


Return type when working with any number value with the August JS ecosystem.

type INormalizedNumber = {
  normalized: string;
  raw: bigint;

Lending Pools


Lending pool object including the underlying token details. This is what is returned when interacting with the AugustPools class.

type IPoolWithUnderlying = {
  address: IAddress;
  name: string;
  asset: IAddress;
  apy?: INormalizedNumber;
  collateral?: IAddress[];
  loansOperator: IAddress;
  globalLoansAmount: INormalizedNumber;
  symbol: string;
  totalAssets: INormalizedNumber;
  totalSupply: INormalizedNumber;
  totalBorrowed?: INormalizedNumber;
  decimals: number;
  loans?: IPoolLoan[];
  getTotalLoansDeployed: INormalizedNumber;
  underlying: {
    address: IAddress;
    symbol: string;
    decimals: number;


Interface used with using getAvailableRedemptions from the AugustPools class.

type IPoolAvailableRedemption = {
  receiver: IAddress;
  day: INormalizedNumber;
  month: INormalizedNumber;
  year: INormalizedNumber;
  amount: INormalizedNumber;
  date: Date;

Last updated